equipotential surface

  • 等电位面;等势面,等(电)位面
equipotential surfaceequipotential surface
  1. A class of electrostatic problem solved by using the property of equipotential surface


  2. Control of electric charge distribution by curvature of equipotential surface and electric field strength


  3. Equipotential Surface Electrode and the Depiction of Electrostatic Field of Like Charges


  4. The distributions of equipotential surface in electrostatic deflection system under different cases are given in this paper .


  5. Line of Electric Force and Equipotential Surface for Two Infinite Parallel Uniform Electrified Straight Lines


  6. Equipotential Surface Problem for Elliptic Equation


  7. The actual equipotential surface of the earth that corresponds to sea level is called the geoid .


  8. The word horizontal is applied only to the plane which is tangent to the ground-level equipotential surface .


  9. Without considering the rotation of the stars , equipotential surface in the stars is the spherically symmetric structure , so the stellar structure and evolution model can be simplified into one-dimensional model .


  10. Adopting the method of conformal transformation , firstly we obtain the hyperbolic equation of equipotential line families in two-dimensional surface . Transition to the three-dimensional space , then we obtain the equation of equipotential surface families of charged conductor with surface of hyperboloid of one sheet .
